Balance History

Showcases a detailed record of account deposits and withdrawals

The Balance History component displays a user's deposit and withdrawal transactions.

Component Overview

  • Purpose: To present a detailed view of a user's transaction history related to deposits and withdrawals.

  • Features:

    • Display of each transaction's action, amount, and timestamp.

    • User-friendly messages for empty or loading states.


This component is displayed in the "My Account" page of the application.

Key Hooks and Functionalities

  • State Management Hooks:

    • useActiveAccountAddress for fetching the address of the currently active account.

    • useBalanceHistory and useGetBalanceHistoryCallback for retrieving and displaying the balance history data.

  • Effect Hooks:

    • Fetch balance history data upon component mount or when the active sub-account changes.

    • Set the loading state based on the presence of balance history data.

Interactive Elements

  • Header: Displays column headers for "Action", "Amount", and "Time", indicating the data presented.

  • ItemsContainer: Contains the individual transaction records, each rendered by the HistoryData component.

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