Core Package

Introduction to the Core Package

The Core Package is designed to streamline the development of frontends that interact with SYMM's core contracts. It contains helper functions, types, constants and query functions that are utilized throughout the frontend application.

In our package, we emphasize custom React hooks and callback-style hooks, simplifying blockchain interactions for developers. These tools facilitate live data fetching, state management, and smart contract interactions.

For setup instructions, refer to the README file in the repository. This will guide you through the necessary steps to integrate and utilize the SDK in your projects.

Technologies Used:

The essential libraries used throughout this app are:

  • React

  • Typescript

  • NextJs

  • Styled-components

  • Redux

  • Reduxjs/toolkit

  • Axios

  • Apollo

  • Web3-react

  • Uniswap/redux-multicall

  • Bignumber.js

  • GraphQL

  • Wagmi

Integrating the Core SDK

The example frontend apps reference the core package by mapping the path to @symmio/frontend-sdk/ in the tsconfig.json compiler options.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "@symmio/frontend-sdk/*": [

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