
The Markets component displays a list of market entities, differentiated into "Favorite Markets" and a general "Markets" category. It provides a UI for user interaction with market entries.


  • markets (Market[]): Array of market objects representing all available markets.

  • favoriteMarkets (Market[]): Array of market objects that the user has marked as favorites.


  • Displays two sections if conditions are met:

    1. Favorite Markets: Shown if there are entries in both markets and favorites arrays. useNeutralMarkets is a custom hook that filters out markets listed in favorites from the total list of markets retrieved via useMarkets.

    2. Markets: Always displayed, listing all markets or showing an empty state if no markets are available.

  • Uses MarketRow components to render individual market entries in both sections.


  • useState (favorites): Initializes and manages an array of favorite markets based on the favoriteMarkets prop.

  • useNeutralMarkets: Fetches an array of all neutral market entries, markets not market as favorite.

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