
Displays real-time price data for the chosen token pair, featuring an interactive interface for historical analysis and charting tool access.

The Chart component integrates trading view charts into your application, offering users real-time insights into market trends and asset performance. It's important to note that the data on the chart may not reflect the markPrice of the symbol.


  • Component Purpose: Displays a trading view chart for the currently active market, allowing users to analyze market data through a visual interface.

  • Dependencies:

    • useActiveMarket from @symmio/frontend-sdk/state/trade/hooks to access the currently selected market.

    • useDetectAdBlock from adblock-detect-react to detect the presence of an ad blocker that might prevent the chart from loading.

    • TVChart component to render the TradingView chart.

    • Image from next/legacy/image for loading and displaying static images.

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